Tuesday, May 11, 2010

More Old Farmer's Advice...for Liberals.

"Don't corner something that's meaner than you"


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Brutally Honest

Hi all~

So last week at work something funny happened. I got this table at work and they were a family for four. There was nothing unusual about them or the situation. Then it happened.

I was busy working so naturally I was a little sweating from carrying plus 30 lbs. (plus I sweat pretty easy anyway) trays and walking around the restaurant. I also had laid out in the sun before going to work so I was also a bit sunburnt. Thus, the little boy (about 6 yrs. old) at the table said,
"Hey mister, you're sweaty, and pretty red too" in a loud speech impaired voice.

Subsequently he said it one more time for good measure. In all my time being a server I never had been so embarrassed. I mean I had been through much worse than that, (as far as comments directed towards me) but I was looking for the nearest cliff to dive from at that moment.

This brings me to my point. Kids are brutally honest. How many times when you were growing up did your mom say something about your dad and you turn around and tell your dad what your mom said? I mean kids have not developed that buffer to know when something might embarrass someone.

Just one of the things I got to look forward to in the future...
